nail polish

Just painted my nails while listening to the "Vinyle Rock" iTunes radio channel. Feel accomplished by having successfully painted my right hand neatly. Plan on painting toenails to match tomorrow. Also feel accomplished by having a job at which I am allowed to have painted nails and I am not washing dishes daily to the point that nail polish would be a lost cause. This grants a feminine validation to my existence. I thought about how I used to go to my Aunt's house and we'd paint our nails. She would always be so deliberately indecisive about which color to choose and ask my opinion for at least 7 minutes before choosing. She would then paint one hand and still ask for approval. I always said it looked cute. Maybe add an "Ooo" or an "Ahh" for emphasis so she wouldn't ask me again and force me to awkwardly fake that I actually had an opinion. I wonder if she would've removed the polish and chosen a different color if I had said No. Maybe she would've just painted the other hand a different color. I feel weird talking about nail polish because I haven't had painted nails more than twice in the past six years. Also feel accomplished by recognizing a Doors song played on "Vinyle Rock." The info line for the station is in French. I wonder if that's why "Vinyle" is spelled with an "e." Or maybe that's how it's spelled in French. Je ne sais pas.


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